

Here you can find a few of my work. These were created using a combination of different frameworks

Personal Website

Get info about me on my personal web page. Literally contains my resume and contacts. In addition to a link to this page.

React, react-redux, bootstrap, Heroku and MongoDB


Cards is a social platform for SMEs to connect with suppliers and clients. Still under development, it is being created to address issues of accessibility and awareness for small businesses.

React, react-redux, bootstrap, Heroku and MongoDB


Quotes is a javascript app that generates quotes randomly and gives users an opportunity to tweet them to theri followers.
These quotes are motivational and can be used to start your day.

Javascript, API, CSS, Netlify


View is a markdown previewer built with react. It allows users input markdown documents/text in the editor and it simultanously converts it to the formatted HTML elemets in the previewer.
It comes loaded with a demonstration which you can edit.

React, CSS, Heroku

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